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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Next Dimension

Thinking in 3 dimensions is a challenge for my brain.  I remember the days of working in hospitals and trying to figure out how to arrange a person, an oxygen tank, an IV pole, a wheelchair,a hospital bed, me to help and then somehow thinking I had it all arranged but still finding either oxygen tubing or IV tubing or both wrapped around me as I moved the person from wheelchair to bed.  Now I work in people's homes where there is rarely an IV and only occasionally oxygen tubing and my people are mostly able to make that move on their own with minimal tangling assistance from me.

My name, when I wrote it using a signature recognition program that my sister Connie had, was interpreted as Kinda Tangly instead of Kim M Tingley.  Apropos!!

So, why did I choose a 3d project for my next mosaic project?  I do not know.  Memory loss may have been to blame.  I enjoyed the first steps but as the project went on I felt overwhelmed by the colors I had chosen and not feeling good about how they worked together and trying to get flat pieces to lie down on an orb, and not being able to visualize how it would look when finished.

I was about to chuck the whole thing.  I did not chuck the whole thing.  I grouted it with white non-sanded grout and prayed:

After grout and prayer and cleaning it up, it seemed I had a miracle on my hands: 

Ok, the thing about a 3D project is it's hard to show the result with one photo so here are a couple more. 

I'm more happy with this project than I expected to be along the way, but my next project will definitely be FLAT!  Let's hear it for 2 dimensions.  Hip Hip...


Ellen said...

Well, it's beautiful and I don't care what you think. :) I LOVE IT

Collagemama said...

Wow! I like the red spiral.

Kathleen said...

Wow!! Wonderful, wonderful. Also, I hope you will participate in the possible mosaic project developing at NCC, as part of 20th celebration...?! Talk to Dave!

ted said...

I like it mre than your other admires!

Anonymous said...

so i can't type