About Me

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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Monday, April 28, 2014

Oh Where O Where Has My Little Kim Gone?

Here I am.   Well, that was a long and successful game of Hide and Seek on Blogger.

Here is what's been up in our realm.  Kids have been driven to 17 different activities including baseball practice, swim practice, birthday parties, the mall, and to a friends house for "Dinner and a Movie Night"  (every other Friday.)

I have been working.

I have been working on a mosaic table top for church.  It is almost done, but I had to order more beautiful Blue-Avio tiles  from Tiny Pieces in Chicago to finish up. The Tiles are In The Mail.

Ironing Man took a trip to Ohio to visit his kids and a friend.  We missed him here, especially the day I had to clean house and do laundry.  Everything was so ... wrinkly without him.  Sigh.

But he's back!  Hurrah!


I am trying to stick to the Exercise (almost) Every Day Plan.. walking or bike-riding, and so far it's gone pretty well.

I've taken some fantastic naps.  In fact I took one today while I was planning to finish reading The God of Small Things, this month's book group book.  It was a fine, fine nap.  And the book is well written and...so very very sad I can hardly bear it.  It makes me need to sleep between chapters.   I read it years and ago and forgot how very-sad-I-can-hardly-bear-it it is.

Tonight the girl-child has Junior High Orientation.  Where O Where does the time go?

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Death to Pop-Ups

I can't get rid of them.  Since my boy used my computer to play some downloaded game that I did not know about, they are everywhere.  I'm sure it's a virus/malware/crazy kind of mess-up in my laptop.  I am tired of the frequent in-my-face "You Might Enjoy Reading..."  and "Click Here if You Don't Speak Spanish."

Pero si, hablo espanol!  Basta!

Speaking of viri (wouldn't that be a great plural for virus?), ok, viruses...we watched The Dallas Buyer's Club on DVD last night.  I was completely blown away by the transformation of both Matthew McConnaghy and Jared Leto.  They won their Oscars for good reason.  And I had no awareness of the existence of the antiviral drug "buyers clubs" that existed during the time of the drug trials for combatting HIV in the 80's.   Desperation is the mother of invention, too.

Thank goodness for better options now.  I just wish I could find the right dose of the right substance to get my computer virus under control.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Roll-over Reversal

Last Saturday we headed out to cousin Kermit's house where The Player rode along on 4-wheelers with the kids and I stood idly by taking photos.  You can see how happy he was about this arrangement!

The kids enjoyed themselves, and after it was all over The Player took a spin on one of the 4-wheelers by himself.  J-dude, ever cautious, watched him and said "Jeez, he's going so fast he's gonna flip that thing!"  Yes, J-dude is going to enjoy being the parent of a teenager someday, I can already see the high blood pressure in his future.

The only other critter that didn't ride along was Sam, who I believe is a distant cousin of our Samarra.
Good boy, Sam!