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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Modem Works but Mom is Somewhat Broken

Yesterday I managed to fix my internet connection problem by turning the computer and modem off, then praying over them, then turning them back on.  So later in the day I was able to use my email etc.  But this morning when I got up, the same thing happened as yesterday morning...no internet.  This time I turned everything off and swore over them, then turned everything back on, and got the same results.  So either the prayer part was not necessary OR God knows that when I swear it might be that I need help.
Here is the picture I wanted to post yesterday. 

And here is Wolf, who apparently has seen the first Star Wars movie several times and was bored.

On Friday morning the cold that Sierra has been enduring all week got the best of her, and she and I decided to stay home.   By noon Sierra was feeling better but I was feeling worse, my sore throat having evolved into the stuffy head, coughing, sneezing kind of cold that says "sleep, sleep, sleep..."  So I napped and Sierra watched some movies on Netflix.  I'm so glad that she more or less ignored my pleadings to go to school in spite of not feeling well, because the person who clearly needed to rest up was me.

Today I will rest some more, and if necessary I will unplug myself and pray and swear a little. 


Kathleen said...

I think the Christmas lights down the street from you are causing Internet interference.

Susan Ryder said...

Or maybe it's karma for dissing Chewbacca.

Feel better!