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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Having Your Cake and Eating It Too!

On Friday Jeremiah and Grandad went fishing again, while Sierra and I made a trip to Nashville. We went to see Aunt Jill at work.  She works at a place she and about 10 other incredibly cool and creative people make "knobstoppers" (corks with doorknobs or other unusual items attached to them that you can use to recork your wine bottle after it's opened), lamps made out of old silverware, and all kinds of other amazing things.  The store is called CAKE.  I'm feeling somewhat inept about describing what they make there, but fortunately ace photographer Sierra was on the job.  Here are some of her pictures of the store and the work area.

Some of the knobstoppers on display.

Aunt Jill makes some of these lamps.

More very cool stuff!

Aunt Jill makes these, too.

This store has a website if you want to look at more of their wonderful items for sale and it is http://www.knobstoppers.com/

After our tour of Cake, and my "purchase" of a glass doorknob stopper (purchase kind of like at Babbitt's sometimes when Kathy is behind the register...ooops)...Sierra and I proceeded to eat our way through the day. First we went out for coffee with Aunt Jill at Pranza, "Jersey Italian Coffee" where Sierra and I shared an apple and then she ate most of a humongous chocolate muffin.  Then we had lunch at Chili's with Aunt Connie, Uncle Jim and cousin Benjamin.  Finally dinner at Grandma and Grandad's which was one of those perfect summertime meals.  We had salmon cooked on the grill, corn on the cob, fresh green beans, and coleslaw.  It was so so so good.

Dessert?  Are you nuts?


Kathleen said...

I am very good behind the register. Except when I make it beep and it won't stop.

I very much want a store like this in our town and I think we should open one and make stuff like this.

Kathleen said...

I added Knobstoppers to My Favorites at Galleries.