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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Monday, April 16, 2012

Where is Everything?

We made major furniture moves today in preparation for the wall between my kitchen and living room to be partially demolished later this week.

The TV upstairs that no longer works is no more.  The TV downstairs moved upstairs into its place.  The Player's desk is where the downstairs TV used to be.  The table that the downstairs TV was on is now in the living room with the keyboard on it.  The bookcase that was in that spot is now downstairs near The Player's desk.  The refrigerator and the kitchen table have swapped places.  My brain is now where my stomach used to be and my back muscles are in the shop for a repair.  I said about 5 times that I needed to take ibuprofen today but I have forgotten to do so.  I think I will go do that now.

Hello I am back. 

There was some serious deep cleaning needed behind the old TV table (cheese slices, boy's socks, and major dust bunnies), behind the upstairs TV table (plastic freezer pop sleeves, dust bunnies the size of King Kong) and behind the fridge (a hot dog bun from the Pleistocene epoch).  Cleaning below the fridge required lots of Spic and Span and a putty knife.  Need I say more?  I said to myself about 5 times today that I would need a glass of wine after this.  I think I will go get that now.

Hello I am back.

But I don't have anything else to blog 'bout so Adios.


Kathleen said...

I hope there are no ill effects of ibuprofen + wine.

Oh, woo: verification words: tragess essianc. The essianc of tragess is...[fill in the blenc]

Collagemama said...

Dang! I totally identify right down to the petrified hot dog bun. Most of the time I just want to pry EVERYTHING up with the world's largest putty knife and throw it all in the dumpster. Which is why I just keep walking around wearing blinders.

Excellent anti-robot words: oustivi forksg!

ted said...

Get ready for another mess.