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United States
Getting older is not for sissies. I'm not a sissy, thank goodness. I'm a physical therapist, mom, daughter, sister, friend, and I am looking forward to "what's next?"

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Chickpea Flick

I did not have lunch with Jesus yesterday.  But I did have dinner with Kathy, which was delightful, of course.  I made hummus, garlicky and pine-nutty, which we ate with pita bread and fresh vegetables. We drank red wine and also ate some spicy peanuts that she brought.  We watched the movie Cold Souls which I blogged about months ago but couldn't get my hands on until recently to actually watch.  Here's a quick link to that blog entry from March:  Chickpea Soul

In all honesty the only reason I wanted to see this film was because it seemed quirky and the actor Paul Giamatti plays an actor named Paul Giamatti in it.  It also features a chick pea.  Yes, the main ingredient in my beloved hummus.

Both Kathy and I were prepared for the film to be mediocre or worse.  What we weren't prepared for was how much we loved the film.  Kathy now has my Netflix copy in her possession so she can watch it again with Tony.  I love those kind of surprises in life.  Like reading a book about which you know almost nothing and it turns out to be pure poetry.

Wolf fell asleep during the movie.  I guess not everyone would like it as much as Kathy and I did.  Consider yourself warned!


Kathleen said...

I love watching chickpea flicks with you! Cold Souls is a hilarious, quirky, sweet, smart, endearing movie (I could be describing you, Kim!) that might be enjoyed by people who liked Wings of Desire, Adaptation, and Being John Malkovich.

I came home last night with a bag of turnips, a clove of garlic, and the red NetFlix envelope with the film in it, and I just doublechecked all those things to make sure I didn't dream or recycle them. (As I recall, we drank some wine.)

Kathleen said...

But I'm pretty sure I did not let you 1) call anyone up on the phone 2) blog 3) give away all your money again.

Kim said...

Please note that not everyone who visits me leaves with so much booty!

Kathleen said...

You're saying this was a booty call?!

Kim said...

"You have a booty-full soul"